Life Talk: Habits To Make A Smarter You

 30 Habits 
To Make You 
A Smarter Person

1. Read books daily 

2. Do one self improvement act daily 

3. Analyze your mistakes and learn from them 

4. Keep yourself informed about things that are going on in the world. 

5. Read about politics and your country’s affairs.

6. Always Go Vote.

7. Recycle Your Trash.

8. Create a plan before doing anything.

9. Always Focus On The Positives.

10. Participate In Interesting Discussions.

11. Always Look For Something New To Learn

12. Learn About food additives and start reading food labels.

13. Keep an updated survival bag.

14. Play strategic games regularly 

15. Always try to think outside the box 

16. Hangout With Smart People 

17. Practice Mindfulness 

18. Meditate Daily 

19. Eat Healthy & Exercise 

20. Download IQ Improvement Apps On Your Phone 

21. Practice Expressing Your Feelings Without Getting Offended  

22. Read Self Improvement Blogs (Like Nique’s Life Guide) 

23. Regularly Do New Self Improvement Activities

24. Journal Daily 

25. Stop Caring What Other People Think. 

26. Don’t Involve Yourself In Dangerous Things 

27. Educate yourself on topics before making important decisions

28. Track your finances 

29. Get proper rest  every day

30. Develop A Morning Routine 


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